
Lupe Fiasco & Common Market. Fuck Seattle crowds, get the hell out of the show if you‘re not into it.
I feel old
I did absolutely nothing of value today.
Worked out in downtown SF.
Heroes, Studio 60
watching BBS: The Documentary
Fluffah scratching the ugly couch. Stop it, Fluffah!
Magic Online. This is getting ridiculous.
Brother in law in town
Co-worker died.
also made PVC hoops in the garden to plant under, but didn‘t plant anything tonight due to fit of laziness and watching of aforementioned bad TV show \"the lot\"
The boy is producing snot at a rate of approx. 1 gallon/hour.
The snot evolved into (or foretold) an ear infection. Drugs have been procured.
I have to go to the mall today. Why? It‘s a long story involving a gift I have to send and Bath and a specific Body Works scent.
Weirded out by a former co-worker being charged with child molestation and rape.
Sat for an hour and a half to get the chance to renew my expired driver‘s license. Most of my soul drained away in the process, restored only by a double espresso and a grilled chocolate truffle sandwich.
setting up new thingy
I swear I am smelling chewing tobacco somewhere in my house. Eew.
rainbow six: beer ops
Letter from USCIS - residency will be approved on the 11th... of Oct
Going to the Southampton Boatshow
Went into Papa Bear mode; got mad at aunt-in-law.
Made chocolate fruit and nut blocks.
Why does checking a train‘s ETA require a fast-expiring session? Terrible, terrible design, probably left over from 1997 or so.
We are terrible, terrible parents.
Can‘t wait to get in the bed. So much to do tomorrow and not much of it that I feel like doing. I feel tire today. Maybe more than usual. I don‘t know why. Its nothing huge but I‘m tired and I can‘t wait to sleep and its only 1142.
The soup was based on cashew milk. ... Of *course* it was based on cashew milk.
I have way too much in my head. I‘m thinking that I may have to find something I can do. But I need a job first which sucks cause I don‘t want to get one.
Sooooooooooo upset. Way too jealous for my own good. I‘m really hurt by this!
Today has been kinda fun. Didn‘t do much more than going to various stores but it was nice enough to get out the house. I just wish I would have gone to the store to find a mute and lessons for the violin. Can‘t wait for Monday!
I‘m kinda bored today. I have my violin almost all set up but I want some lessons so I can be working on something and feel like I‘m doing something constructive.
getting ready to go hop into bed. Its rainy and I‘m tired and I‘m only making myself unhappy thinking about what I‘ll do when I get my own apt. I think my aunt wants me to live with her next year. I can‘t. I need my own space when I start school. Anyways....
Had an ok day. I went in to get my pt stuff together and its way better than I thought it would be. I can come and go as I please and she‘ll set me up with other pts in other areas so I should be done before class starts in the summer.
today is a long day!
Taking a break from Final Fantasy XII
One of Those Days, part XXIV: The pop can exploded on its way out of the machine, spraying Coke all over my leg.
May have a lead to long-lost cousin; nope
piano: 30m:
Molly‘s leg is stiff or hurt
Also, the dude (not having had a nap) got wound up pretty easily, and threw a box at Elliott, hitting him in the forehead. Not Cool. More our fault than his.
MacBook won‘t stay on....
魔法遣いに大切なこと: 02: r5:
CPfMOSX: Chapter 24
Sighted in the rifle.
No luck searching for Sophie the Giraffe
Charlie Schaefer‘s funeral
Saw a young teenager going into anaphylactic shock at the grocery store. Ran to the car to grab my EpiPen; later, was shaking and remembering Nathan being carried into an ambulance.
Medieval Madness: 4.9 million. Star Trek: 129 million.
Lots of pinball. Star Trek: 956,000,000
Star Trek: 741,000,000. Later, 1,791,000,000.
Star Trek: not much, 600,000 or so?
Game day! Played so much Star Trek; new record is >1,300,000,000
Failing at pinball anymore
Star Trek: 1,020,000,000. 2nd place.
Star Trek: 1,037,000,000
Pinball is hard and I am no good at it anymore
Starting to panic about Wisconsin trip week before Thanksgiving
Star Trek: 1,035,000,000
Star Trek: 1,815,000,000. Grand champion.
We leave for Wisconsin NEXT WEEK!
Pinballing. I can regularly get about one good ball in each game.
Star Trek: 1,008,000,000
Star Trek: 1,110,000,000
Anniversary of Kennedy‘s assassination
Star Trek: 1,461,000,000. 1st place. Then 1,396,000,000.
Aiyee! Too much to do this month.
Twilight Zone; claimed Grand Champion score
Nikita solves first sudoku (with David‘s guidance)
Tested more stuff
Tested some stuff
day after Christmas! sitting aorund in pjs, eating and playing around online.
survived 2008