
Coded up new character-drawing method
On the plane: Made some serious progress with SL comm system\r\n
Fixed a bug in the new comm system
SL comm system
Soft Landing comm improvements
Created playerβ€˜s speech bubbles in Soft Landing
Set up inset pictures in SL and wrestled with weird pygame bug
Various SL bits
New live version of personal site
Soft Landing
Soft Landing
Soft Landing
Soft Landing
Lots of Soft Landing
Soft Landing; max improvements
New iTunes script for album sorting
Added some new features for comm-charas in SL
Bit oβ€šΓ„Γ΄ Soft Landing
Soft Landing
Major progress on SL boss
Wrote code for new title screen
Wrote enemy shooting animations
Added boss to level; miscellaneous fixinβ€˜
Put controller support back into SL; changed ship thrust effect
Worked on SL in person with Jules!! Yeah!!
Hacking around with Soft Landing novel part
Wrote a Cocoa app in Python!! >:D
Coded new thrust effect; agreed not to keep revising stuff a hojillion times
Added noises and music and ambience to Soft Landing novel part
Got SL working on Windows and even fixed a bug
Did some audio work for Soft Landing
Packaged Soft Landing for Windows
Fixed some little SL bugs
Reworking Streetcar in Python
Got some new chara portraits into SL
SL meeting with Jules
Miscellaneous SL jobs
Polished Soft Landing based on meeting notes
Intense Soft Landing session
Psyched myself up and actually got some good Soft Landing work done
Trimans behavior
Fixed character positioning in SL
Wrote a tiny app for webpageizing a folder fulla files
Soft Landing! Working on the new trust system
Soft Landing meeting
Soft Landing meeting!
Soft Landing meeting~ redesigned pod gun system and trust system again
Rigged up some new systems in Soft Landing
Did some work on pod gun system in Soft Landing
Getting some inset image animation and gun levels going in Soft Landing
SL novel engine improvements... I am excited to write a new universal novel engine for SL 2
SL weapon level system
Therapeutic coding. Python is so easy I feel like Iβ€˜m cheating.
Started secret new MOMO PAX project
Worked on history graphing for OmniGraffle
Finished history graphing for OmniGraffle
Paraplu; struggling with trigonometry
Paraplu; got aim sweeping working perfectly
Paraplu; level loading works!
More Paraplu; gun upgrades work
Bouquet history graph!
Paraplu: 2-layer tile maps
Rise and shine to work on Paraplu; got both types of weapon upgrades working nicely
Paraplu: rudimentary in-game level editor!
Paraplu level editor is complete!
Paraplu; got enemies in game and added crappy collision detection!
Paraplu; collision and tiles
Lots of great progress on Paraplu level editor
Paraplu: town infrastructure
Paraplu; got town infrastructure in place
Text boxes starting to work in Paraplu
Paraplu: Vivienne runs in four directions!
Slow progress on Paraplu menu box drawing
Paraplu menu box drawing works!
Intense Paraplu restructuring
Paraplu menus
Paraplu: many little enemies bouncing around nicely
Paraplu: enemies can die now
Paraplu: enemy death effects
Paraplu: added current coordinates display to level editor, paving the way for status display later
Paraplu: blinky cursor and last-tile-placed display for level editor
Paraplu: Aim holding and switching to event queue
Buried myself in my media library project to stop thinking about our app for a while
Code code code code on my media library system
Media library system is really, really awesome now
Started exploring Amazon Web Services for adding items to media library system
Got media system automatically grabbing cover images from Amazon
I like writing little tools for odd jobs
Items organize themselves nicely in my OmniGraffle media library
Paraplu: item collection and inventory
Paraplu and Shelf 2
My media library system now has a rudimentary HTML export
Shelf 2 export is really getting somewhere
Shelf 2 export has popuppy details, but man do I dislike working with JavaScript
Codinβ€˜ at Nathanielβ€˜s. He showed me Mochikit.
Paraplu meeting at Julesβ€˜s
Ordered layers and object collision masks in Paraplu
Yeah!! Julian and I figured out why Paraplu wasnβ€˜t running on Vista. Now development can continue.
Hojillionth attempt at making Brujiβ€˜s Pedia apps export the way I want them to
Finished a media export Iβ€˜m actually happy with
More work on Shelf 3